Link to Hope is our project over the next few years.  The Project that we are involved in is Future Change – based in Romania.

They are setting up a Kindergarten providing education and social care. There is so much help needed to educate and support families. They provide medical advice, help with birth certificates, and  property. They run homework clubs which help with basic life skills and developing behaviour.

See latest news below

Yvonne North

 World Mission group

Read about shoeboxes and fundraising below and more about Link to Hope on their website by clicking on this logo.


Link to Hope Shoe Box Appeal

Once again, we are supporting this worthwhile project of sending shoe boxes to Eastern European countries, including the Ukraine.

Donation of goods and money are welcomed as well as filled shoe boxes.

Leaflets will soon be available in the church. Please can all filled shoe boxes be in by the end of October.

Our thanks to all those who have been busy making various articles throughout the year.

A team of about 6 or 7 people will be needed for sorting and filling boxes during October and for getting the boxes ready for dispatch in November.

If you have any queries, please contact either of us. Thanks, in anticipation.

Lesley Worrall and Yvonne North

World Mission Group.

Regular donations would be greatly appreciated.

  • If you would like to set up a standing order please contact David Worrall.
  • If paying by cheque, please make it payable to’ The United Church CFL account’ to be sent direct to him. Please write Link to Hope on the back.
  • For online donations, bank account details are:Name of account: United Church Winchester

    Please select Business Account

    Sort Code 08 92 99

    Account 673 037 40

    Reference <Link to Hope>   
    Many thanks in anticipation for your support. We are a small committee and welcome any fundraising ideas.

    World Mission Group


We first opened the doors on a 16 April 2022 to welcome in those seeking sanctuary.

We were unsure if anyone would come, and would have been glad to see two or three, but guests flooded in from 10am and have been joining us ever since.

A massive thank you to you all volunteers for your ongoing time, care and commitment over the last year. Things have certainly developed from that first Saturday although we still focus on a relaxed informal offering.

Meet and Greet is open to all refugees and asylum seekers. Our first visitors were Ukrainians but we have welcomed a wide range of  of nationalities.

If you would like to support Meet and Greet financially, donations can be made by bank transfer to:

Name of Account: United Church Winchester

Please select Business Account

Sort Code 08 92 99

Account 673 037 40

Reference <Meet and Greet>   

Jo Pellatt Mission Coordinator


Is Christmas usually a joyful time of year for you?  To be plotted and planned for and full of pleasurable anticipation?  Many of us are lucky and some of this scenario will prompt smiles of recognition.  As Christians, we certainly hope it is special.  However, for some people in Winchester there is another side to that time of year – exhaustion, worry, disappointment and even dread.  All around will be adverts for things that cannot be afforded, bills to be paid, the expectations of children that cannot possibly be fulfilled.

Winchester Churches Christmas Project is an ecumenical attempt to help those in Winchester for whom Christmas is a really difficult time.  It was started at The United Church in 1993 and now involves many other churches in Winchester.  Money for the Project is raised each year through the churches – from whole congregations and from individuals.

How it works

We work closely with a range of local agencies including (but not limited to) Hampshire Children’s Services, Trinity Centre Women’s Services, Home-Start, Health Visitors, Winchester Young Carers Project and The Women’s Refuge.  We only accept families and individuals referred by such agencies and we aim to help all those referred to us.  However, this is always subject to the funds and numbers of volunteers available

In mid-November each pair of volunteers visit a family that has been referred to us by the agencies in order to discover their needs.  They then shop with or on behalf of the family.  Each family has a set amount of money allocated.  Those visited are in charge as much as possible – they choose what will make Christmas special for them.  Each case is different but perhaps we can provide a boost after a difficult year, a helping hand with a worrying bill or the peace of mind brought by knowing that the electricity won’t run out over Christmas.  There could well be new toys and festive food but the list might also include warm clothes (to replace those left when fleeing domestic violence), a carpet, second hand furniture or a morale-boosting treat.  Our volunteers need to be understanding and resourceful!

Sometimes the money is not the most important bit – knowing that someone is prepared to spend time and take the trouble to listen can mean a lot.  There are no strings attached to our help.  We show our Christian faith and witness in caring for and helping those we visit.  Over the years our volunteers have managed to transform Christmas for many families, and in turn have found an extra blessing in their own Christmas celebrations.

Your prayers for the future work of this project would be so much appreciated.


Our church community has decided to make Education for Sustainability a focus.

This means a focus across the whole community on education, awareness and our impact over time that is in tune with creation; consciously embracing environmental degradation as a call to transform how we live as a community – by linking up what we do, by learning, by creatively exploring our connections within nature, and our understanding of God.

Read more


MHA Communities Winchester is a charity offering support and friendship to local older people living in their own homes; helping to maintain independent living, improve well-being and reduce isolation.

For more information please email office@ucw.org.uk


Our church community has decided to make Education for Sustainability a focus.

This means a focus across the whole community on education, awareness and our impact over time that is in tune with creation; consciously embracing environmental degradation as a call to transform how we live as a community – by linking up what we do, by learning, by creatively exploring our connections within nature, and our understanding of God.

Unprecedented international agreement through The Paris Agreement in 2015 urges that everyone needs to be involved in avoiding the most catastrophic effects of climate change, now! There always seem to be numerous pressing issues for our community to respond to.  The specific challenges of climate change present a different kind of pressing issue, because the need for finding different ways of living, is so urgent. The 2018 IPCC report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) pushes for no more than a 1.5 degree rise in global temperature to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.  We’ve already gone over the 1degree. Friends of the Earth say the period before 2020 is critical. This issue is of singular importance. But how does this translate down into each organisation, each individual doing their part to make it possible?

As an organisation that cares about love, justice, easing poverty, showing there is another way to live, our way of trying to do this is by a focus on Education for Sustainability (EfS).

What this looks like:

  • A group of EfS leaders to guide the church to be intentional in developing sustainable patterns of living
  • Working towards an Eco Church Awards https://ecochurch.arocha.org.uk/
  • Helping the church to plan for climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • Continually exploring connections our faith has with these issues

The urgency is uncomfortable and poses challenges, but the opportunity for us to be engaged in shaping a community that is willing to grapple with the shift to more sustainable ways of living is exciting, and profound, and deeply about God’s yearning for all to have life in all its fullness.


MHA Communities Winchester is a charity offering support and friendship to local older people living in their own homes; helping to maintain independent living, improve well-being and reduce isolation.

Through our able team of Volunteers we are able to offer opportunities for companionship, support and advice to older people in the Winchester district. We have services which can be offered at home and group activities in a place where our members can be among friends. These include our weekly schedule of clubs and activities,  our one-to-one services and the opportunity to join our regular outings and  annual holiday.  Above all our members know that there is always someone to turn to for help, advice or simply a chat.

For a small monthly donation to the Scheme, Members benefit from a regular newsletter, birthday card, Christmas gift bag, regular telephone contact, transport to one off appointments (subject to availability), signposting & information.

If you would like more information about the scheme, would like to become a member or have an interest in volunteering then please contact us on 01962 890995 or winchester@mha.org.uk. You can also visit our website www.mha.org.uk/communities/near-me/winchester/ or on Facebook here, or come and see us at our offices based in the United Church.

Hannah Shave
MHA Communities Winchester Manager

MHA Communities Winchester
Jewry St
SO23 8RZ
Tel: 01962 890995