Our church sanctuary is slightly unusual, being upstairs but it’s easy to find once you are through the front doors of the building! Access is fully accessible with a ramp leading up to the sanctuary. We offer a variety of ways to get involved in worship at the United Church. As well as two services on Sunday morning, we have a weekly service on a Wednesday morning and Messy Church for young people and their parents or guardians once a month. Being both Methodist and URC we tend to have a variety of women and men of both denominations leading our services which makes for a wealth of learning and experience.


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Holy God, in the wonder and diversity of your awesome creation, your glory is revealed all around us in a myriad of ways. Yet often we are blinded to the treasures that you have placed for us to discover because our eyes are focused on our priorities, or we look in all the wrong places!

The most wonderful treasures are often to be found in surprising corners, unexpected people and new experiences. Help us by your Spirit to have patience to understand that you are always at work; even when it remains unseen by us. Give us eyes that are open to see where your activity is evident and ears to hear when you are inviting us to share in the process of bringing new things to birth.

May your light shine in all the dark places of our lives, our churches, our communities and our world, so that the treasure that lies within might be revealed to us.

In the name of Christ, Amen.

Gill Newton, President of the Methodist Conference, 2023/2024

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your Name,
your Kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.


Junior Church is a place to grow as part of a loving Christian community, a place to make friends, ask questions, be nurtured and challenged. Children engage in age appropriate groups, each providing an exciting and relevant programme of stories, games and creative activities.

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For more information please email office@ucw.org.uk

Junior Church

Junior Church is a place to grow as part of a loving Christian community, a place to make friends, ask questions, be nurtured and challenged. Children engage in age appropriate groups, each providing an exciting and relevant programme of stories, games and creative activities. Young people share in group exploring the Bible and contemporary issues. Most Sundays we meet in a combined key stage 1/2 group and a separate key stage 3 group. Once a month we have a bigger combined group which builds the links between older and younger children. We use the Roots ecumenical resources to link with the adult worship. Children and young people contribute to the wider worship of the church in all age worship for example.

Crèche is a welcoming place for babies and toddlers. Little ones can play, enjoy a Bible story and song. Parents/ carers are welcome to stay or return to the worship upstairs.