
DISCIPLESHIP Know it, Nourish it. Live it. Discipleship, a resource for House Groups and individuals written by Juli Wills, Tim Clifford and Rev Dr R Howard Mellor. Find the audio files here. [...]

UCW Lettings

Click on the following links to download documents related to lettings at the United Church. Application and conditions of hiring Sanctuary seating plan Application for use of alcohol on [...]

Worship Day

Worship Day 8 October 2023 at Park Place, Fareham Worship Day Sustainability Feedback Presentation Feedback on the day. Listen to the morning talks below – click on the headings. Howard [...]

November Yours Extra

I read Tim’s letter “Israel Palestine: The ’no wins’ scenario” in the November edition of Yours several times before deciding to respond. I have no knowledge of Middle East politics or armed [...]

Data Privacy Statement

The United Church, Winchester DATA PRIVACY STATEMENT  Personal data Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data.  Identification can be by the information [...]